Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Results, Week 8

Emily plays “Tootie Fruity” with the band while both couples twirl around the floor in a pint-sized jive.  Super cute stuff.  Moving on.

John Legend is back, singing one of my favorites, “Ordinary People”.  Gorgeous lyrics and music.  Mark is dancing with brunette in toe shoes, who is apparently named Jeanine Mason.  I try to just focus on her (She’s pretty and elegant) and listen to John.  Mark bugs me.

More Dance Center.  Brandy is 5’8”?  really?  Of course her dislikes are listed as Cognac, Whisky and Scotch, but I don’t get the joke of having botany as a hobby.  They talk about people having just one name.  Len talks about looking forward to Brandy and it somehow dovetails into a joke about Len having a drinking problem.  Sorry, not actually funny.

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  1. NOOOOOOOO! I leave for one week and this is what happens? Hilarious recap, but if you’ve ever wondered what it sounds like when a heart breaks across the ocean, you just heard it….

  2. Un-frikkin-believable! Kurt and Anna get the boot, yet Bristol gets to stay So, so wrong!

    I wonder if Mark feels any guilt or embarrassment b/c Bristol clearly deserved to go weeks ago, while others were shown the door too early in the season.

    Kyle…encore dance…safe…woo!

    I’m hoping many of Kurt’s fans will now vote for Kyle.

    The only bright spots last night were DanceCenter and Kyle’s jive.

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