Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars–Results, Week 8

Jennifer is last.  Kenny says her favorite color is “light black”.  What?  And then calls her a “dirty dancer” because she fakes injuries to get higher scores.  A joke about Derek rocking Jen all the time and her having played “Baby” in the movie and how cute Derek makes everyone giggle, including Len and Jerry.  Not the best installment of Dance Center ever, but always fun.

In the rehash of Brandy’s night, we get a bit more insight into what went down with Maks, and how genuinely pissed he was, to the point that Brandy had to calm him down a bit.  The thing to note here is that he really is just mad on her behalf, and I see that as being protective of his partner more than Maks being a dick who wants more praise for himself.

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  1. NOOOOOOOO! I leave for one week and this is what happens? Hilarious recap, but if you’ve ever wondered what it sounds like when a heart breaks across the ocean, you just heard it….

  2. Un-frikkin-believable! Kurt and Anna get the boot, yet Bristol gets to stay So, so wrong!

    I wonder if Mark feels any guilt or embarrassment b/c Bristol clearly deserved to go weeks ago, while others were shown the door too early in the season.

    Kyle…encore dance…safe…woo!

    I’m hoping many of Kurt’s fans will now vote for Kyle.

    The only bright spots last night were DanceCenter and Kyle’s jive.

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