Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Results, Week Eight (April 29)

We’re back with R& B star Robin Thicke, (yes, son of Alan “Jason Seaver” Thicke), to sing “When I Get You Alone” while Kym, Cheryl, Edyta, Alec, Dmitri and Tony dance, resplendent in canary yellow.   It’s fun and fast number, and Robin will be back later.  Tom’s putting Edyta’s dropped earring on ebay.  That’s nice, Tom, but I really want some legwarmers.

Hey, Sam’s backstage with Melissa, who has started some new treatment for her rib injury, hoping to be back next week.  Lil Kim is there, too, sporting the scary face makeup and her paso outfit, saying how happy she is just to be here.  They head out front to find out the first safe couple, which is Lil Kim and Derek.  Well, so much for that suspense!

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