Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 10, Performance Week 2

Tom makes a joke about the Kennedys which cracks me up but doesn’t go over great with the audience.Carrie Ann thought she perfectly evoked Marilyn, but she wasn’t actually a dancer.So that’s weird.Len says she’s been “tittebating”, which stops everything dead.He claims it means “smartening up” and says to Google it.I took my best guess at the spelling, and Google came up flat.He tells her to work on her center, and not on her bust.Also, you know, tittebating.Bruno talks about the nation being wrapped in her waves of sensuality.I don’t know, man.I mean, I was a teenager once.But now, the whole Anderson Package doesn’t do anything for me.She gets 22, with a two-week total of 43.

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