Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 10, Performance Week 5

Oh, awesome. They’re doing the Jive to “You Never Can Tell” from Pulp Fiction. It’s hard to tell how this will play out, since the song was actually used in an iconic dance scene – it’s going to be tough to interpret it without going to that same well. They start out at a table, and Erin has to pull Maks to the floor. And the whole time, while they’re dancing, Maks is looking at the menu. Man, these two are just showing off. Finally, Erin takes the menu away, and the pace picks way up, and they do a really good job of evoking the scene without necessarily going to the specific moves over and over again. Maks’ legs are absolutely insane today – I think he almost kicked himself in the head at one point. That dance was fun and clever, with awesome energy. Also, Tom agrees with me that they’re cute when they fight. Tom and I could totally be friends.

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