Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 10, Performance Week 5

They’re dancing the Foxtrot to “Don’t You Forget About Me”, and instead of The Breakfast Club, this song makes me think of that one episode of Futurama that ends in an orbiting graveyard of Earth’s heroes and Fry learns how much his brother loved him. (And includes one of my favorite lines ever – “I can’t wait until I’m old enough to feel ways about stuff!”) And oh man, is this weird. When they’re not in hold, Kate watches Tony so she can mirror his movements so she’s always one step late. She is maybe not actively terrible this week, but something about her is just so off-putting. It’s like she learned about human emotions by reading a book about them. Also, even if she’s advanced from terrible, she doesn’t even approach “good”. She’s basically on a par with older guys who got through on personality. She’s a John Ratzenberger. It’s a really basic dance and she barely gets through.

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