Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season 10, Performance Week 5

Carrie Ann say she’s developing some bit of grace. A very tiny bit. She also compares her dancing to the voice of Charlie Brown’s teacher, which I love. Len calls it precise, but more of a stroll than a dance. Urged by Tom, he admits that he liked the lack of props. Bruno says a “frock and a coat hanger” would have made a better partner for Tony, and he seems irritated that she doesn’t acknowledge their advice. And no kidding – that’s why they critique you, lady! In the interview, she says she had a visit from “eight little friends”, and swear to God, I thought that was a really esoteric reference to having her period at first. I’m sorry. I’ll shut up now. She get a 15, putting her squarely at the back of the pack.

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