Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, Results Week 6

And now Bristol and Mark have the encore dance.  Really?  They were still, what, third from the bottom last week?  I would have liked to see Brandy again, except she gets too crazy intense and it’s probably bad for her to dance two days in a row.  Still, good for Bristol.  I was sort of predisposed not to like her when the season started, but she seems very nice other than some occasional weirdness.  But let’s not act like she’s setting the dance floor on fire, you know?

And now, it’s time for a musical guest.  It’s Heart!  Hey, I know them because I am old.  Also, they’re playing “Barracuda”, which I support.  Ann Wilson is adding all kinds of flourishes, and her face (not including the hair) looks exactly like Paula Deen’s, which is weird.  Or is it Nancy Wilson?  Did I get the wrong Wilson sister?  Myndi would know the answer.  Anyway, I have this weird thing where I don’t like it when I hear a slightly different version of a really popular song.  It throws me off.  If songs don’t sound exactly the way they do in Guitar Hero, I get scared and confused.

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