Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11 Snap Judgments

Bristol Palin – Oh, for crying out loud.  This is stretching the definition of “star” – she’s the daughter of somebody who ran for vice-president.  The only reason Bristol herself is even a blip on the cultural radar is because she got knocked up.  Now she does a lot of public appearances talking about the virtues of abstinence, which you have to think is going to mess up her kid at some point.  There are some interesting things to consider here – will she get viewer votes?  I don’t know if her mother’s supporters watch DWTS or not.  I feel like they probably don’t, but I can’t tell.  And then there’s Bristol’s early complaint about the skimpy costumes.  Yeah, you really endear yourself to the audience of a show when you start complaining about it within 24 hours of being announced as a contestant.  I don’t think she’ll be very good, given that she’s not a performer of any sort and has no training in anything dance-related.  Partner Mark Ballas might bring in some votes, since he’s a favorite.  But that didn’t help Shannen Doherty last season.  Bottom line is, I’m hoping for a first-week elimination, because I really don’t want to have to deal with the politics of it either way.

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