Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, The Semi-Finals!

Bristol Palin and Mark (53/60) – In rehearsal, Mark says to Bristol that people think it’s just the Tea Party voting for her, but he things that the people at home relate to her.  No, it’s the Tea Party.  The home viewers don’t want to relate – we want to watch people who are better at this than we are.  If we were watching for relatability, this show would be called Dancing with the Guy Down the Street.  Bristol assures us that she’s not fake, “no offense to anybody else”.  But you are implying that somebody is fake, and that’s why you’re getting votes, right?  They’re also starting with a paso, and Bristol’s cape work is kind of sloppy.  It’s perfectly fine, but it’s not a semifinal dance.  She’s still doing weird things with her arms, and there are long stretches where Mark just pulls her along.

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