Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, The Semi-Finals!

Carrie Ann hugs her and freaks out.  Len calls it her best dance yet.  Bruno compliments her lines, which I thought were kind of bad.  What am I not getting here?  She gets a 27, because she is exactly as good as Brandy.  I do not for one minute think there’s a conspiracy here.  That’s total crazy talk.  But seriously, what the hell?

They talk a lot about Bristol’s pregnancy and baby.  Everybody acts as if being pregnant is the most traumatic thing that could happen to a young person.  Yeah, I don’t think that’s really the case.  There’s also this awesome subtext where everybody kind of acts like this was unavoidable and it wasn’t fair to suddenly put her in front of the world.  Well, it was avoidable.  There’s a cause and effect when it comes to pregnancy.  And, you know, she was in the spotlight because somebody accepted the vice-presidential nomination and either didn’t take Bristol’s feelings into account, or did the cost-benefit analysis and determined that it was worth it.  It’s sort of grossing me out the way that everybody in this video is talking about things they directly controlled and acting as if they were inevitable.  Anyway, it’s another Waltz.  Bristol’s aiming to take Audrina’s “Dead behind the eyes” crown.  It’s a very dance class version of a Waltz, where you watch it and say “Yes, those are the steps that comprise a Waltz.”  But the judges are going to love it, I bet.

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