Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 11, The Semi-Finals!

Carrie Ann says she drifted out of the dance too often.  Len says it was beautiful.  Bruno is vaguely supportive, and then they talk about how great the band is.  This is so weird.  Regular people like me can see things that are clumsy in these dances, and the judges are going nuts.  She gets a 26.  I can’t figure out what’s happening here.

Kyle Massey and Lacey (58/60) – Kyle’s the only one left who’s never been at the top or bottom of the leader board.  Which is a nice way of saying that he’s never been at the top and is not Bristol.  Another short training video.  This kid just doesn’t have any drama in him.  They’re dancing the Samba.  He starts with a solo, and at one point runs up to the judge’s table and waves at them.  Hee.  It looks to me like he needs to be more precise.  There’s a real sense of fun, but his upper body isn’t always pointing in the right direction, and at the beginning of the dance, his feet are a little off.  It’s much better by the end, though.

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