Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars-Season 11, Week 8 Performance “Instant Dance”!

They have to instant samba (23) to Mas Que Nada, which you’ve probably heard even if you don’t know the title.  Holy crap, Bristol looks like a piece of sparkly candy corn!   Their samba once again suffers from Bristol not being able to let it all hang out, though she shakes it pretty well.  Len says she coped well with the timing changes and when Bruno says she lost a few steps, Mark takes the blame.  Carrie Ann is the most honest about things, that Bristol’s lack of connection with the music was obvious.

TOTAL: 47/60

So, will the red states come through for Bristol again, or will this finally be the end of the line?  Tune in tomorrow and find out, or, better yet, come right back here and read all about it!

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