Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – Season 12 Premiere!

Kendra and Louis are dancing the Cha Cha, and I’m surprised at how good it is.  At first.  She starts out with some really good extensions, and she mirrors Louis very well, but she keeps slipping into stripper moves, like Louis said.  It’s very weird – sometimes her footwork is really precise and clean, and sometimes her feet are awkwardly planted while she writhes around.  When she tries to move her hips, it’s kind of a mess – her legs don’t move at all.  Her hip movements come from her top half, while her bottom half is all “We’re good, thanks”.  Sometimes she’s really good, and sometimes she’s doing the kind of club dancing you see from busty girls who don’t have to try hard. (And I’m pretty sure you just described Kendra’s entire career trajectory.–Myndi)

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