Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Semi-Finals Performance Show

Len likes the setup but thought it lacked emotion.  Bruno opens up with a masturbation joke and says that it was too flat.  Carrie Ann is glad that his pain is slightly less visible this week, but she agrees with Bruno.  He gets a 25, which is completely mystifying to me.  What’s going on, judges?

Their second dance has them dressed like a pimp and a prostitute, which I’m really not geeked about.  Especially since Ralph’s parents and wife talk about what a great guy he is in a clips package.  Miss Blankenship from Mad Men shows up, too.  Yeah, she also played the mom in Karate Kid.  I was completely flummoxed when I found that out.  You guys, I’m not going to recap these videos unless something amazing or hilarious comes out.  You don’t need me to report back on the breaking news that Ralph Macchio loves his wife.

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