Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 12 – Semi-Finals Performance Show

This time, they’re dancing the Salsa, and it starts with Karina crawling toward him on all fours.  While dressed like a hooker.  It’s a little much.  I don’t really like this dance, but it’s actually pretty good.  It’s the most engaged we’ve seen Ralph since Week One.  He’s really active in the dance, and I think on a technical level, it’s well-done.  Something about it really grosses me out, though.  And usually I’m on board for ladies dressing up like Wonder Woman villains. 

Len likes his commitment, but thought it was too wild and harsh.  He says it lacked rhythm.  Bruno says his legs were too far apart, and that he was “too rough with (his) pussy”, which gets censored and Bruno immediately explains that he meant pussycat.  Because when has Bruno gone for cheap double entendre?  Karina acts really offended, even though she chose to dress as a prostitute while her issue of Playboy is on the stands.  Maybe not the card to play, you know?  Carrie Ann likes it, though she acknowledges that his technique was not good.  They get a 23.  Afterwards, Tom makes a funny reference to Karina’s wig, and I love that he thinks that a Bert Lahr joke is going to go over with the audience.  He’s a lovable dork.

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