Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 7 Premiere! (Sep 23)

Next we have Rocco DiSpirito and Karina Smirnoff, who we are shown spraining her ankle in rehearsal.  Ouch!  She’s decided to tape it up and dance anyway.  Rocco says he’s best known for standing in place and chopping onions, and that his only dance experience is watching Saturday Night Fever.  In rehearsal, he reminds us that he’s out of his comfort zone again, and asks to cook for Bruno.  Rocco, you’re not winning me over here.

They dance the foxtrot and it’s a good effort, especially on a bum ankle, but it’s very careful and slow.  Rocco’s got some charisma, I will admit, but he’s not a natural.  Bruno says it was on the brink of chaos, that they lost timing and the feet were all over the place.  Carrie Ann is trying to be nice, and says it was “cute”.  Len says Rocco dances like he cooks:  “Chuck it all in and hope for the best.”  He says it needs finesse.  The scores reflect all of this.  5’s from Carrie Ann and Bruno and a 4 from Len, for a total of 14.  Tom says, “I forgot we had a four!”  Oh Tom, how I’ve missed you!

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