Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season 8 Finale!

Yay, it’s Roast Time!  Jeff Ross is great.  He starts with Tom and says Bergeron is an old French word meaning “Seacrest”.  He calls the judges “smokin’, croakin’ and flamin’.”  He marvels that no actual stars made it to the finale and calls the show “Dancing with the Vaguely Familiar”.  Funny, except for the part where Shawn was part of some of the highest rated Olympics coverage in years.  He calls Woz a chunky chipmunk and Woz titters nervously.  (I kind of thought Woz was going to cry.  His reactions were so weird. – EJ) He says Belinda is dressed like a hooker from Battlestar Galactica.  Eh.  Because he knows he’d lose a fight with him, he goes easy on Lawrence Taylor and says he’s sweating like Tom without a teleprompter.

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