Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season 8–Snap Judgements (Mar 2)

CASEY– Does Lil’ Kim realize that, once again, she’s been cast alongside a bunch of “has beens” on a reality show? She didn’t seem to grasp the concept of the Surreal Life. They have told her she has to dance on this show, right?

Gilles Marini and Cheryl Burke MYNDI–I had no idea who this person was when I saw the name. Even if I had seen the Sex and the Citymovie, I don’t know that I’d know him. But, you have to give the man some credit for managing to score a DWTS gig just by showing his package off in a chick flick. Burke will either be crankier than ever for getting a total unknown as her partner, or he’ll be awesome and she’ll be in top form. Either way, let’s hope people back off on calling this world-class athlete fat.

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