Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars Season 9, Performance Week 3

Chuck Liddel and Anna Trebunskaya (17) – Anna tells Chuck he can’t be scary this week, and there’s some hilarious footage of him trying to loosen up.We then see Chuck take his daughter for a pedicure.Well, that was weird.Chuck makes some funny “samba faces” after that. (OK, I’m sorry, but Chuck is reminding me of Sloth from The Goonies, minus the facial deformity.–Myndi)

Chuck is wearing ridiculously frilly sleeves, and he slides halfway across the floor on his knees, waving his arms like a madman.He tears off the sleeves, and then he just freaking attacks that Samba.There’s a looseness to his moves that we haven’t seen, and he’s absolutely throwing himself into this dance.The energy of it is really cool to see, with big bold movements.It’s really fun to watch.Yay, Chuck!

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