Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9, Performance Week 8 (Nov 9)

TOTAL 52/60

Kelly & Louis–As they prep for their Foxtrot (25), she is easily distracted and will use anything to take a break, including her dogs, her phone and a closet’s worth of shoes, which Louis takes away in a staged sequence.  I liked the sign outside the rehearsal space that said “Do not come in, or Louis will kill you!”  Their dance is engaging, fun, flirty and technically on point.  I enjoyed the heck out of it.  Kelly stayed in character and was lovely.  Len liked her posture and the routine, though he wasn’t happy with her footwork.  Bruno thought she was weightless, and enjoyed her focus.  Carrie Ann says the audience’s enthusiasm is her secret weapon but says she needs to work on her spots, turns and extensions.  Actual criticism means they like you!

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