Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9, Performance Week 8 (Nov 9)

And then, there was the 80s Paso (24)! While I think it paled in comparison to Future Paso, Donnie’s Adam Ant meets The Wedding Singer inspired routine was still quality.  It was ultimately a more traditional paso in a cheesy costume.  Len says it was scary (“a cross between Adam Ant and Adam Carolla”) but he liked it.  Bruno actually said it looked like Donny doing a Marie impression, and she’s handily there in the front row to provide the mirror image.  Carrie Ann nitpicks, but she liked it, too.

TOTAL 50/60

Aaron & Karina–As they ready the Foxtrot (23) Karina tells us in an interview how gifted and talented Aaron is, to the extent that she was even willing to train through a bout of flu this week to get him one step closer to winning the show.  The thing is, if the audience doesn’t like him by now, isn’t it a bit late to change their minds?  Try as I might to find fault with the routine, I can’t really say anything was bad, except the costumes, maybe.  They look like they’re going to a 70s key party, which is the least foxtrot-y look ever.  But, again, it was nothing remarkable.  Bruno felt it was tense.  Carrie Ann caught a small lift, and concurs with Bruno on the loss of fluidity.  Len compares Aaron to his son in his exuberance, commending him on all his efforts.  Thanks for that helpful advice, Len!

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