Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9 Snap Judgements!

Kelly Osbourne – Let me drop some Wikipedia goodness on you.  “(Osbournes Reloaded) premiered March 31, 2009 on FOX, and was canceled later that same night…”  That aside, Kelly has tried pretty much everything in the entertainment business and has been fair-to-middling at most of them.  Honestly, I’ve sort of ignored most Osbourne related entertainment for the last decade or so.  The ones who aren’t Ozzy irritate me, and he and I are only OK when he’s singing about being a werewolf.  Also, I’m pretty sure they’re lying about being British.  I don’t know if Kelly’s currently heavy or not, but she was in rehab for painkiller addiction earlier this year.  This might not be the ideal show for her.  She’s partnered with Louis Van Amstel, who was the first pro ever eliminated on the show (with partner Trista Sutter), and it seems he spends most of his time choreographing the live tour.  It’ll be good to see him on the show again, because he’s occasionally pretty funny.  Still, I don’t give this pair long – I don’t think Kelly has fans and nothing really suggests that she can dance.

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