Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9 Snap Judgements!

Tom DeLay – You have to admire the way ABC’s website doesn’t mention how this former Congressman ended his career in disgrace under a cloud of scandal – violation of campaign finance law, accusation of perjury, and admonishment from the House Ethics Committee.  Whatever your politics, he’s not one of the good guys.  So, not a sympathetic figure.  He’s also old and doughy and sits at a desk.  We’re looking at a first-week elimination, right?  Well, he’s partnered with Cheryl Burke, who we all love.  You have to feel bad for Cheryl – she’s really competitive and on Elimination Night, you can feel her stress coming right through the TV.  She’s going to hate having a partner with absolutely no chance of winning.  He’ll get through the first few weeks on Cheryl’s popularity alone, but it won’t last long.  Unless Cheryl and Lacey switch partners.  That could happen, right?

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