Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9, The Finals! (Nov 23)

Freestyle Round

Kelly and Louis dance to “I Will Survive” and, as much fun as she’s having, and as great as she looks in full disco garb, it’s sort of a mess.  Louis flips her around and she falls, and giggles through all of it.  The judges acknowledge all this but praise her regardless.  Backstage, Kelly tells Sam that one of the lifts looked more like Louis “pooped (her) out” than lifter her up.  Ha!  She gets three 8’s for a 24That’s 76 total.

Mya and Dmitry freestyle to “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from Hairspray.  It’s a song that I’ve danced around with my kids to at home, and I immediately feel like it has the potential to be amazing.  They do a whole routine and I’m still waiting for something amazing to happen.  It was solid and fun and accomplished, but I can’t help but feel like they could have done more.  Mya was worried about playing it safe and yet, it looked at times to me like she was dancing a little smaller while Dmitry was going full out.  Carrie Ann calls it “not outstanding”.  She says Mya was not showcased, and Len agrees.  Bruno says it was not spectacular…but it wasn’t bad.  So, at least I’m not crazy.  Always nice to be reassured.  They get straight 9’s for a 27, earning 87 total points. Donny and Kym get it exactly right.  They go into Donny’s wheelhouse, and perform a number that would be comfortable in anything from vaudeville, to Broadway to an old Hollywood musical, and they kill it.  It has some nice lifts and showcases their strengths: charm and stage presence.  Best of all, unlike Marie’s freestyle, this won’t haunt my nightmares.  Len calls it a show stopper.  Bruno stands to shower Donny with praise for his showmanship.  Carrie Ann says it was Hall of Fame freestyle. They get a perfect score, and everyone’s overjoyed, but Donny may keel over from the excitement.  They have a total of 85 points.

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