Dancing with the Stars – Season 9, Week 6 Performances
Bruno appreciates the difficult choreography, but she lost her footing and he never believed she was a harlot.Only from Bruno is that a criticism.Carrie Ann disagrees.She says she nailed the character of the dance, even if she had a couple of stumble.Len thought it lacked in “seduction” but liked it overall.Carrie Ann and Len give her 8’s, and a 7 from Bruno for a 23.
Natalie Coughlin and Alec (22/30) – She asks a bunch of crazy questions in rehearsal, including “So I go down as I come up?”Alec chalks that up to her having “a technical mind”, and I like her, so I’ll cut her some slack.He also drops the classic “Dimples don’t intimidate”.