Dancing with the Stars – Season 9, Week 6 Performances
The dance opens with Sensei Ping strutting like a bullfighter.Lacey charges the stage, and she’s actually leaving a cloud behind her.Pretty cool.Mark is just attacking this thing.I think his footwork looks great and he even busts out a couple of roundhouse kicks.They stand apart from each other more than the other Paso couples have, which is just an observation, not a value judgment.I really liked this dance.
Bruno calls him “Mephisto – the Red Devil”.I almost want to write that up as a Spider-Man reference, but that seems unlikely.He loved the intensity and said he was “on it”.Carrie Ann admired his power, and thought it was exciting.Len said he had “power, passion, and performance”.He gets two 9’s and an 8 from Bruno for a 26.Good job, Mark!