Dancing with the Stars – Season 9, Week 6 Performances
Aaron Carter and Karina (24/30) – Man, I forgot how much Carrie Ann hated him last week.In rehearsal, Karina calls herself a “cold-blooded bitch”, and you just know Maks is backstage nodding in agreement.Karina brings in some professionals to show him the mature approach to the Tango.Aaron is dressed like a drum major in some of the interview footage, for some reason.
Their Argentine Tango starts off promisingly, but maybe dwells too long on posturing before the dance begins.Honestly, I’m not wild about this one – I feel like there’s not really a connection there and he just seems like he’s thinking too hard.I mean, Tangos usually look awesome, but this just isn’t working for me.There are a couple of times when he seems to be a step farther away from Karina than he should be, because he overextends when he reaches for her, and it looks crazy awkward.The audience loves it, though, so what do I know?He looks like he’s going to cry at the end.I think he’s the male Shannon Elizabeth.