Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Season 9, Week 9 Results (Nov 10)

More Dance Center!  Kelly Osbourne’s stats say she’s the “Princess of Evil”, “British/American” and “confused”.  Kenny says she has big feet and wears ridiculous bows in her hair.  He also says she’s the daughter of Satan.  Len says she’s just “an enigma”.  Kenny says her cute accent lets her get away with the fact that she swears like a trucker. Len says she’s lovely and gets bleeped.  Jerry says Len’s accent is hot.

Kenny then puts up a stat sheet on Dmitry, as if he’s the celeb.  It says his best dance is “Crumping” and worst is “Electric Slide”, with a shoe size of “big”.  These things are always hidden gems.  Len corrects him that Mya is the Star.  Holy Crap, Mya is 5’9″?! The only thing they can goof on with her is the fact that she has gimmicks in her routines, like dusting the judges’ table.  Then, they show a montage of her hitting Dmitry in rehearsal.

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