Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season Nine, Week One – The Men

Samantha asks Chuck if the judges were scared of him, and Anna answers with a straight face “They better be”. Have I mentioned how much I love her? Carrie Ann gives him a 6, and the men go for the 5 paddle, for a 16.

Mark “Sensei Ping” Decascos and Lacey Schwimmer – Mark tells us that he’s best known as “The Chairman” from Iron Chef America, and neglects to mention his role on The Middleman. I have no intention of forgetting. He busts outs some martial arts moves. Then the audience goes nuts over Lacey, and I really did not think that she was popular with the fans. Mark shows off his flexibility and does some kicks, and I’m really hoping that he and Chuck Liddell will fight each other at some point.

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