Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Season Nine, Week One – The Men

Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson – Donny brings that same dorkiness that Marie brought to the show some seasons back, only hopefully without the fainting and creepy-ass “dancing doll” routine. Also, they’re using Matrix effects for the intros, where the pros suddenly freeze and the camera rotates around them. Does this mean that Cheryl is The One?

Kym tries to convince us that she’s lucky to be working with a former teen idol, though she wasn’t actually, you know, alive back then. She’s taking her mom’s word for it. When instructing him how to maintain a hold, Kym says “Pretend I’ve got a boob on my back”, which is awesome. Apparently, Donny is easily embarrassed, so this should go smoothly.

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