Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season Nine, Week One: The Women

Debi Mazar & Maks:  After discovering that Debi danced on a show in the 80s called Graffiti Rock, we find out she has the attention span of a gnat.  They dance a salsa.  Maks has to reign her in a couple of times after she gets off beat and misses a step, but they recover and do some intricate spins near the end.  I think her arms need a little work, but she looks like a dancer, at least.  Len says she has potential, but her hips and legs need work.  Bruno says Debi can work her “bazooms” and cites her timing issues.  Carrie Ann compliments her efforts but says she has to work on her expressions, because it was obvious she was worrying too much about getting everything right and if Maks was going to yell at her.  Tom says that happens to everyone.  Maks subtly reaches over and pinches his butt, for which Tom thanks him.  Martin & Lewis, those two!  Carrie Ann gives it a 6 and the guys go for the 5 paddles, so they end up with a 16.  Well, lots of room for improvement!

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