Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season Nine, Week One: The Women

Mya & Dmitry: We learn that she’s been doing tap since age 5, but has no ballroom experience.  She’s humble and sort of adorable in the clips package.  Their Waltz to “Vision of Love” has all the grace and polish that Melissa’s lacked.  There’s even a nifty move, sort of a reverse lift, where Mya runs and falls into Dmitry’s waiting arms.  They get a standing ovation.  Carrie Ann gushes about her lines, turns and musicality.  Len is up in arms about how far theydrifted from a true Waltz, and he chews out Dmitry while managing to compliment Mya. He and Bruno all but come to blows over it.  I was really thinking the man might have a stroke.  Carrie Ann and Bruno give the dance 8s while Len drags everything down with a 5, for a 21. Kathy Ireland & Tony: She is the CEO of an international design and marketing firm, if you hadn’t heard.  Or, if, like EJ, you still have Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues hanging on your walls and chose to live in blissful ignorance.  Is it me, or is sad that Kathy considers herself overweight?  Maybe a tad out of shape, but not fat.  Apparently, Kathy is so uncoordinated she was asked to leave an aerobics class years ago, which seems a bit drastic.  Clearly, her shiny, fringy gold outfit was designed to distract from the fact that she’s insanely stiff in her salsa.  Her hips are rigid and her timing is off.  Looks like they gave Tony Susan Lucci, Part Deux.  Len thinks the dance was too careful and lacked energy.  Bruno says she didn’t sell it and there was no sex.  Carrie Ann compliments her posture and wants her to loosen up.  Carrie Ann goes with a 6 and the guys go for 5’s again, so another 16.

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