Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars Season Nine, Week One: The Women

Now for the relays.  I don’t totally mind these, but they’re confusing to recap, so I selfishly hope they aren’t long for this world.

In the Foxtrot relay we have Debi, Kathy, Joanna, Natalie and their partners.

Natalie and Alec start off and the overall effort is good, but not exciting.  I saw some wonky arms and legs.  Kathy continues to be wooden, and she’d look lovely if she was able to just stay still, but that doesn’t work on this show.  Joanna and Derek are sweet and cute and the best of the group.  Debi and Maks finish things with panache and a lift at the end.  Carrie Ann likes Joanna best, while Len points out Debi and Maks for doing a lot in hold.  Bruno wants Debi to control her energy.  Seems clear Joanna is the leader with Natalie, Debi and Kathy in that order.  For the first time in history, I’m right.  Joanna has the nerve to act surprised and accidentally slaps Debi in the process.  Ha!

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