Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars – the Season 11 Finale

We get a recap of last night’s performances, with Lacey giving Kyle the unfortunate advice to “Tootsie Roll in their face”.  Wow.  That’s…. I think that’s actually what Urban Dictionary calls a “Rusty Venture”.  (Venn Diagram, party of one.)  And then, Tom and Brooke explain how the scoring works, so that they have something they can point to if Bristol wins.  And then, and this is not starting out well, Tom calls Jennifer over.  She ruptured a disc last night.  There was a question as to whether she’d dance tonight, but she says she’s going to do both.  Man, if she got in an accident and ended up a brain in a jar, she’d still finish out the season.  Girl’s a fighter.

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