Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: The Semi Finals (May 11)

Gilles and Cheryl (60/60) loved their foxtrot.  He says, among other things, that they spent that whole week working on heel leads.  The infamous shirtless paso doble was their favorite latin dance, following their perfect Argentine tango.  He points out how emotions and facial expressions can sell a dance, even when there are minor errors in the steps.
Turns out Gilles is from Cannes, and he’s a middle child.  It’s a rags to riches tale, really.  It’ll make a nice start to his A&E biography when he becomes a big movie star.
Gilles wants to take the bootyshaking crown from Lil Kim.  Cheryl invites the ever-classy Jonathan Roberts to teach Gilles more about elegance for their waltz, which is to “Come Away with Me”, a personal favorite.  It’s a sweet dance, and you can see the difference between Gilles, who performs as a character, and Melissa who is a strong dancer, but no actress.  Bruno is out of his seat with glee.  Carrie Ann calls it “breathtaking” and Len gives a “sitting standing ovation”.  Their samba is similarly outstanding.  He hits every step and does it with exuberance.  Carrie Ann dances and screams.  Len wishes he had an 11 paddle and Bruno declares him “Lil Kim #2”.  Gilles can’t believe the praise he’s getting.  He asks quite genuinely for votes.
Melissa and Tony (55/60) think their foxtrot in week 3 was their breakthrough because of her frame.  They really seem to enjoy each other and Melissa makes Tony imminently more likeable.  Their samba was their latin breakthrough.  She said she didn’t have to think about the steps at that point.  Melissa is hoping to use the frame from foxtrot and fun of samba and apply them to cha cha cha.  Also, Melissa’s worried about her feet in rehearsal after Len’s comments last week.
We get to see footage of Melissa as a kid, her parents and her Dallas Cowboy cheerleader past.  We also are reminded of her Bachelor debacle and her last minute addition to the show.  The best part of the package is her mother actually calling it the “coveted” mirror ball trophy.  Their quickstep is lovely and lyrical but not a showstopper.  Len loved it, while Carrie Ann and Bruno don’t feel a connection. (see also: Marini, Gilles) Carrie Ann also points out some “space” in the hold.  The cha cha is very cute and fun.  Bruno says they went “in and out” with their energy.  Carrie Ann called it “discombobulated” and Len says he liked it, but not as much as he thought he would.
Shawn and Mark (56/60) feel the quickstep, to the Aladdin song, was their breakthrough, since her personality shined through.  They felt the rule breaking (being out of hold) was OK, but they won’t do it again.  Their paso was a big deal because it was important for Shawn to show people she could be serious.  Mark is wearing a tiny hat as they review these dances, which just seems superfluous to me.  Shawn is from Des Moines, Iowa and she is tiny little daredevil.  We get to see home movies of her doing gymnastics as a kid.  Did you know Shawn had the flu during the Olympics?  I didn’t.  She’s a champion, in case you hadn’t heard.
For their Argentine tango, Mark is dressed as the love child of the Hamburglar and Mayor McCheese.  What?  It could happen!  The routine is crisp and exciting, and the lifts are graceful yet strong, helped by her gymnastics background.  Again, Carrie Ann mentions a “connection” to the music.  Len loved the “gauchos” and the “hooks” and her overall maturity.  Bruno calls her Catherine Zeta “Shawn” and starts singing showtunes.  Mark is wearing eyeliner during all of this, by the by.  Their jive is infectious, right down to Shawn’s pink bows and pigtails.  Mark’s “O” face is back, too.  I feel like Shawn could be a little lighter on her feet, but what do I know?  Len feels there was a lot of “messing about”.  Bruno felt there were bits of Lindy Hop mixed in.  Carrie Ann notices what I did (how does that happen?) and says it was like “going through mud” at the end.
Ty and Chelsie (48/60) call their week 2 quickstep a “comeback”  Can you call it a comeback after one week?   They call their Lindy Hop their Latin breakthrough.  I mean, it wasn’t bad, but he still doesn’t have good footwork and he always looks like he’s chasing her.  Most Improved or not, it’s a travesty if he’s in the finals.  Ty is a fourth generation cowboy who never played with toys.  He only wanted to rope, ride and be a cowboy.  His best friend remembers Ty’s homemmade black chaps that he wore as a toddler. Hee! We are reminded of his determination and that he doesn’t ever quit.  Again.  Some more.
Their waltz actually has moments where it looks like someone sped it up on the playback.  It’s not awful, but awkward.  Len loves it, inexplicably, but Bruno and Carrie Ann point out its flaws, such as Ty’s arms, the fact that he nearly dropped Chelsie and his wobbly turns.  Ty’s definition of samba: “Pain in the ass with a whole lotta steps you gotta remember”.  OK, that onemade me laugh.  Robot Ty is back!  There is a gratuitous close up of his bootyshaking and the whole thing is sort of teetering on the edge the whole time.  Bruno gives him an “A” for effort.  Carrie Ann votes him MVP, but it’s just painful.  Len opts to compliment Chelsie, which is a good call.
So, it should be Gilles, Melissa and Shawn should be the final three, and the finale should be the closest one in the history of the show.  Or, we could get Ty, AKA Marie Osmond 2.0  Join EJ tomorrow night for the results!
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