Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week 5 Results (Oct 20)

Mya is thrilled to have earned a 9 from Len.  Natalie and her insane abs and dimples don’t know why the judges didn’t like her dance.  Joanna tripped up Maks.  Michael is relieved (and insanely sweaty) in the confessional after his Paso to “Carmen”, which I had to google by using the key words “Bad News Bears theme music”.  So, it’s your call as to who’s less cultured; me or EJ.  Louie will be “stoked” if the fans want him to stay.  Kelly hurt her ankle and Ozzy had to take her in an ambulance to the hospital for an x-ray.  Kelly says her foot would have to be falling off for her to quit the show.  The reaction of a man who once bit the head off a bat on stage?  “This happens.  It’s showbiz”.  At least she won’t need rabies shots.  For his part, Louis is concerned because he “cares about that girl.”  Aw.  Love those two.  Mark, Lacey and Lacey’s scary fauxhawk have an oddly humorless confessional session that involves discussion of sniffing Mya, which seems to offend Lacey.  Donny can’t get over his 29.

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