Dancing With The Stars

Dancing with the Stars: Week 7 – The Results!

Wow, they kick things right off, jumping straight into an encore of the group dance.  Has there ever been a time when the group dance wasn’t the encore?  I’m not sure I like the black and white, by the way.  Also, does anybody know where this song is from?  It seems like it might be the inspiration for an old Tom Waits song – “Clap Hands”.  The beginning has a similar melody, and they both have the line “They all went to Heaven in a little rowboat”.  That’s right, I’m asking you to do my research for me.  Anyway, I love group dances.
And now, there’s a recap of last night, which is less funny than Myndi’s recap.  Julianne totally spazzes out backstage recounting the dance, and it’s pretty hilarious.  They kind of blast through this part, so I’m going to assume that this episode is jam-packed with content.  I assume I will be proven wrong.
Commercials.  It’s hard to see those Jamie Lee Curtis yogurt commercials without thinking of Kristin Wiig.  And poo. (and adult diapers.–Myndi)

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