Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week Four Performances

As we are introduced to all the couples, I decide it’s a weird world when you have ten women, and out of all of them, Shannon Elizabeth is showing the least cleavage. 

Kristy and Mark are first and they are dancing the Paso Doble.  She knows she has to focus on showing more emotion and promises passion and aggression.  They begin to perform to, of all things, “Blue Monday” by New Order, and, wow, I haven’t seen this much burgundy velour since a December wedding I attended several years back.  Those were some ugly bridesmaids gowns, but I digress.  Overall, this is the most animated we’ve ever seen Kristy and her dancing is still very sharp and accomplished, as you would expect.   It looks like she’s a tad awkward coming out of some jump turns near the end, but she is forgiven a bit since the difficulty is so high.  When they come over to the judges, you can see that Kristi is anxious for the first time.  She is so uncomfortable coming out of that shell, isn’t she? 

Len, who’s dressed in costume tonight as a Century 21 agent, says it was good, but he sees a slight sameness to her dances.  Bruno calls Len “Krusty Goodman” (total shout-out to EJ, by the way) and says she “unleashed the harlot” and confirms that the jumps she did were difficult.  Carrie Anne applauds her risk taking and Mark is complimented on his choreography as well. 

Scores: Carrie-Ann—10 Len—9 Bruno—10 Total: 29 They receive the first 10s of the competition, surprising no one.

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