Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week Four Performances

Priscilla is next and she and Louis decide to go rollerblading (which they both call rollerskating) to improve their “flow” for the waltz.  Priscilla is the first star to call Kristy out.  She looks lovely, with her hair in these pretty tendrills, as they get set to dance, but her mouth still scares me a little.  I know it’s not her fault, and she’s no Jocelyn Wildenstein (click if you dare), but I’m still working through some stuff.  It’s a very nice waltz, but nothing jumps out at me, except the part where Louis throws her at the end.  They are a vision in seafoam.  Do you think there’s any way she’ll ever dance to an Elvis song?  That would be so cool! Hey look, it’s Lisa Marie! 

Bruno cautions Priscilla to watch her shoulder and neck line, but says it was a great interpretation.  Carrie Anne says she creates drama with her facial expressions.  Ha!  Was that plural, really?  There is praise for Louis’ choreography, but she notes that her balance was off and points out a lift.  Len says it looked rushed and reinforces that lifts are forbidden, much like The Lambada (I may have added that part). 

Scores: Carrie-Ann—7 Len—7 Bruno—8 Total: 22 So, it’s safe to assume that might have a 25 if they hadn’t done the dreaded lift, which looks like it was accidental anyway.  Whoops!

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