Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars Week Four Performances

They are dancing to “A Man’s World” by James Brown and overall, I will grant you that it’s a well done waltz and he really does a good job of selling the sex angle.  I was distracted by his arms, but, based on what comes next, I was apparently alone it that assessment.  Oh, and he visibly trips on one of the turns near the end, but it is forgiven again due to difficulty and because everyone’s so turned on.  Carrie Anne has the vapors again, but manages to say it had an understated grace and was seductive.  Len calls it a “wow of a waltz”, while Bruno says it was sexy and erotic.  OK, simmer down there, buddy.  Family show.  I’m also just now noticing that there are glittery threads in Bruno’s jacket.  Interesting.  I am sort of surprised by their scores…

Scores: Carrie-Ann—10 Len—9 Bruno—10 Total: 29

Cristian and Cheryl are having such a stressful time in rehearsal that they decide the best thing to do is jet up to San Francisco for the opening of Cheryl’s new studio, “Cheryl Burke Dance”, oddly enough.  There, Cristian talks to Drew, who encourages him to listen to Cheryl.  In other news, Drew apparently brings his trophy everywhere he goes, as it just happens to be there.  See, I thought it was like the Stanley Cup, and that it would no longer be in his possession, rather with Helio Castroneves right now, but I guess everyone gets their own.

They are dancing the Paso Doble, and he is wearing a long black coat and no shirt, which I don’t really have a problem with, to be honest.  However, the color combo (black pleather and a rusty red) remind me of some plastic salad bowls we had in the ’70s.  His moves are sharp and crisp and he really stays in character, which is so key to this dance’s success.  Len feels the music conquered him a bit, but that it was well done.  Bruno says he was convincing.  Carrie Anne disagrees with Len and says he was right with the music, but wants him to work on his eyes when he’s out of hold as it apparently looks like he’s a little lost at those times.

Backstage, Cristian gets at least a few grandma votes by saying he danced the Paso for his grandfather, born 110 years ago in Bibao, Spain, who he never met.  “Awwww’s” are heard from the audience.  He is jazzed about the scores, which are up from last week by a point.

Scores: Carrie-Ann—9 Len—8 Bruno—9 Total: 26

In Shannon’s rehearsal footage, we get a slo-mo shot of Derek getting injured.  HIs neck muscle snapped while practicing for a number he was supposed to preform with his sister on last week’s results and I can’t even imagine how much that would hurt.  We see him taken in the ambulance on a stretcher.  Shannon kisses him goodbye, but his sister is nowhere to be found. Huh.  As a result, Jonathan, no longer saddled with Monica, stepped in to teach Shannon the waltz Derek choreographed.  So, that’s two weeks in a row of subbing for Jonathan.  We also see Derek disobeying the doctor by practicing with Shannon himself while still clearly in pain.  I think it’s safe to say we’ll see him dance, however, since we already saw him in costume.

Their waltz is very sweet and sexy at the same time.  Bruno calls her a class act and says it was like Spring Awakening.  I don’t think there were enough short pants, but this is Bruno.  Carrie Anne is excited that Shannon is letting her body find its own movement.  Again, hi Paula!  Len says it was the best dance of the night.  Backstage, Shannon is still being hard on herself and neither Derek nor I can figure out what the chick’s deal is.  She’s all Meredith Grey with the “love me, choose me!” shtick.  Len loves her best, as he issues his first ten of the season.

Scores: Carrie-Ann—9 Len—10 Bruno—9 Total: 28

And at long last we have Marissa, whom you will remember, survived last place with the judges to send The Gute packing way too early.  In their live intro, Tony is doing something with his hands and accidentally smacks her in the face.  Ha!  You have to love live TV.  Marissa is determined to take what the judges said about her being boring and turn it around.  Tony’s solution is to give her pro level choreography.

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