Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With the Stars: Week Two Results (Oct 1)

Backstage, Rocco thanks the fans for saving him, and we find out that Karina was saying her goodbyes all day.  Samantha attempts to make a joke about picking out coffins which makes no sense.  Turning to Toni and and Alec, we are back to his singing and he says he’ll try guitar next.  Sam makes yet another attempt at humor and says Alec’s album will be out soon.  The best part is that you can tell she’s pretty proud of herself.  Shhh, no one tell her she’s not funny.  She’s so pretty, isn’t she?

We next have a montage wherein we learn that Bruno and Len are apparently doing God’s work by judging both the American and UK versions of the show.  They are so brave, enduring 11 hour flights back and forth to give witty and/or pointless critiques on not one, but two, celebrity dance competitions.  I’m sure it’s grueling in it’s way, but this is making it seem like they are caring for orphans or something.  We also get a glimpse of the British version’s host, Bruce Forsythe, who is apparently 80.  Hey, he’s younger than Cloris!  There’s a joke from Len about how he’s better looking than Tom.  Bruce, of course, has terrible teeth, as is the British way.

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