Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-10 “A561984″

The standoff is broken when Vogel shows up. He tells Mark to let Nhadra go and demands that all involved lower their guns. Man, Vogel can work a room. Mark lets Nhadra go, and a policeman knocks him to the ground.

Loyd waits for Olivia in the hospital while everybody else stares daggers at him. He assures Olivia that there won’t be another Blackout, and they talk a little about Harvard. He went there, she was supposed to. Instead, she went to LA with Mark. It turns out, she was going to live in the building where Lloyd’s late wife ended up living – it’s how they met. Lloyd tells her about the “Many Worlds” theory, where anything that could have happened in your past actually did, in some other universe. Clearly they’re trying to get us to think that the Flashes were glimpse of another universe, but I’m not buying it. As proof, I cite the people who saw themselves celebrating April 29 in Times Square. That wouldn’t have happened in another universe. That was the direct result of the Blackout. Same with Mark’s Big Board. Nice try, Simcoe!

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