Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-10 “A561984″

From there, we cut to Mark and Demetri arriving in Hong Kong. Voice analysis has revealed Demetri’s caller to be Iranian (from Teheran) and London-educated. Well, that’s going to narrow it down in Hong Kong. Mark ignores his ringing phone, and a guy named Marshall Vogel tells him that his boss is calling. Vogel works for the Hong Kong office of the FBI and has been assigned to keep an eye on these knuckleheads. He lectures them about how stupid they are to show up here. Mark finally answers his cell, and Stanford yells at him. Seriously, best character on the show. Mark says that he lied to Demetri, even though he didn’t. He claims Demetri though the trip was approved, so that he won’t get caught up in the crap storm.

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