Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-10 “A561984″

A guy we’ve never seen before, Gordon Myhill, is holding a press conference about the Blackout. He introduces himself as the director of the National Linear Accelerator Project. Lloyd and Dom wait backstage for their chance to speak. Gordon finally introduces them, and Lloyd takes the stage and talks about their project which might or might not be significant. He finally says that he believes their experiment caused the Blackout. The assembled crowd doesn’t take it well. Dom rushes the stage and calls the Blackout unforeseeable. Watching on TV, Mark doesn’t believe that’s the real cause. He’s probably right, what with Suspect Zero and all. Lloyd tries to calm down the crowd, and an angry lady grabs a security guard’s gone and shoots at him. She misses, and Lloyd and Dom escape while security roughs her up. Backstage, Dom says to Lloyd that he doesn’t believe they caused it, and he’s not going to take the blame.

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