Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-10 “A561984″

Stanford’s in his office, watching talking heads argue about Lloyd and Dom, he gets a mysterious phone call that seems to upset him, but we can’t tell what it’s about – though it appears to be about Dom, who’s just showing up in his office to talk.

Dom leads with the crowd-pleasing “I don’t believe that we caused the Blackout”. Stanford points out that admitting fault before a crowd might not have been the best move. Dom suggests that he could find the cause of the Blackout if they’ll give him access to the Mosaic Project. Stanford doesn’t care much for that idea, but Dom reminds him that they aren’t likely to keep their funding for investigating the Blackout if somebody’s already admitted to causing it. They’re going to need results soon, so Stanford invites Dom to come back in the morning so they can work it out.

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