Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-12 “Revelation Zero – Part 2″

The cops bust down the door, as Lloyd admits they came close to finding dark matter. Well, if they checked Nibbler’s litter box, sure. The cops find the stolen ambulance in a warehouse. They open the back door, and it promptly explodes. The ambulance, not the warehouse.
Later, they look over the wreckage and discover that their radio frequencies activated the bomb. Vogel points out that if Mark saw these guys in his Flash, then they saw him. Ever since the Blackout, they’ve known that Mark and Demetri are at the center of this, and they’ve been using that knowledge to stay ahead of them.
Bryce meets Timothy outside the Community Center, or wherever it is that he does his business. He tells Timothy that Nicole is doing better, and that he doesn’t want her to get hurt. Timothy assures him that he’s legit, and his job is to spread the message that people need to give and receive love.
Mark checks out the abandoned cheese steak place. He looks in the window for about two seconds before giving up and driving away. Good investigative work! We see the thugs in the basement putting hoods on Dom and Lloyd as Mark drives away.
In Timothy’s Flash, he announces that God is breaking into human history in a way He’s never done before. Mark stares at a cheese steak menu as he drives, which seems dangerous. In his Flash, we see the menu on his Big Board as he says into the phone “Go to hell, Lloyd”. And then his cryptic line about standing behind the 8-ball. Hey, there was graffiti of an 8-ball on the door of the cheese steak place. You know what’s awesome? Mark of the future might be leaving clues for himself in his Flash! He does a U-turn and drives right through the storefront as the thugs are leading Lloyd and Dom back to ground level.
They open fire and when Mark doesn’t shoot back, one of the thugs goes around to the driver’s door to check on him. Mark kicks out the window and gives the guy a boot to the face. The other thug leaves the room and heads for his car. Dom follows him. He’s still handcuffed, but he has a gun. “Word of advice,” he says. “Next time, take the trigger finger.” He proceeds to shoot the guy in the face.
Cops and paramedics converge on the scene, as Mark sits down with Lloyd. Lloyd hands him the “Help Us” note, and wonders how Mark found him. Mark says it was the phone call in the Flash, and now it’s time for Lloyd to tell him everything.
Medics load Dom into an ambulance, only Ricky Jay is waiting in the back. Ricky explains that he’s kind of sorry about the finger – he had to improvise since they weren’t getting anywhere, and he wanted to take suspicion away from Dom. Dom says he’s done being his “bitch”, but Ricky reminds him of a certain video from Tigers Stadium. “As of this moment, the world thinks you and Simcoe accidentally caused this Blackout. What happens if they find out you were awake while it happened?” And we see the Blackout once again, this time, from Detroit. Dom is Suspect Zero!
Wait, we’ve seen his Flash, though. All right, show, you’ve got me!
Once again, we jump to the day of the Blackout. It’s 7:30 AM, and Dom is at his father’s funeral. He comforts his sister, and then gets into a limo. He realizes that it’s going the wrong way, and the driver says he has other instructions. Dom will be airlifted to his final location, which is Tiger Stadium. Or Cool Ranch Field, or whatever the hell it’s called now.
He complains to somebody on his phone, and that guy (who is D. Gibbons) explains that Dom doesn’t get to complain. He’s been a part of this since he was 13, and they haven’t asked much of him up to this point. Gibbons tells Tom to start eating his popcorn – in the popcorn is a box containing a ring. He instructs Dom to put it on. And yes, it looks like those rings that showed up earlier in the season. And then, everybody except Dom passes out.
Gibbons instructs Dom to walk to the nearest tunnel, like in that grainy footage we’ve seen over and over again. Waiting for him are Ricky Jay and a thug. Ricky asks for the ring back, and Dom gives it to him. They walk off together.
And it’s back to the present day. Dom is in a hospital bathroom, staring in the mirror. Olivia yells at him, and says she needs him in bed. Yes, he makes the obvious joke. She checks him over and says he’s good to go. Janis leads him away, and she explains that he’s now in custody.
Meanwhile, Lloyd is also being questioned. By Mark. So that’s going to be hella awkward. Watching on video, Vogel criticizes Mark, but Stanford says he gets results. It’s a real pissing contest with Mark and Lloyd – Mark wonders why he’d call him from Olivia’s bed, and Lloyd doesn’t have an answer as to why he’ll do something that hasn’t happened yet.
Dom tries his best to charm Janis, and she totally calls him on it. He talks about how people are more honest when you disarm them, then he starts to gasp. She leads him to a bench, where he checks the pill bottle – penicillin. He claims to be allergic. Janis runs off for a doctor, and once she’s off the scene, Dom stands up and runs away.
Dom gets off a plane in the Toronto airport, only to see Janis waiting for him. HA! She immediately leads him over to an LA flight, and points out the armed officers just waiting for him to make a move. He begs for 24 hours in Toronto. His sister ran away, and he wants to help find her. Janis calls Stanford and asks if she can have the day – she thinks that there’s more to it than his sister. Stanford agrees that they can stay overnight. So she puts an electronic tether on Dom.
Dom goes back home to meet his family, with Janis in tow. Dom’s mom is so proud that he joined the FBI, which doesn’t amuse Janis at all. Dom’s mom talks about her daughter a little, and Dom heads for a shower. Meanwhile, Janis chats with mom. Hey, who would have guessed that Dom was picked on as a kid? As they talk, we see him wrapping his electronic tether in foil and then goes straight out the window. By the time Janis’ alert goes off, he’s already gone.
We see him down at the docks, knocking on a door and asking for Philip. Finally, Philip answers. He’s a beefy older guy, and he’s holding a cat. He lets Dom in, and they talk about Blues music for a bit. And then he realizes that Janis has been waiting in another room all along. Hee.
Dom asks Philip if he thinks that the experiment could have caused the Blackout. They throw a lot of scientific jargon in – if this were Lost, I’d look it up, because it would be important. However, I also recap Heroes, where the writers would not have done the research. We’ll wait and see how things are going before I’m willing to make any assumptions. Long story short, Philip thinks it’s possible. Dom wants to build something to “anchor consciousness” in case another wave comes.
Janis brings Dom back home, where she’s excited about the Dom Mom’s home cooking. The doorbell rings. Mom’s surprising him with a visit from Uncle Teddy. You guys? Ricky Jay is Uncle Teddy! Can I get an “Oh, snap”? He talks about how worried he was, and then sits down to dinner. He also explains to Janis that he’s, technically, a very distant cousin. Everybody gushes about how great Dom is, and then Dom gets mad when Ricky brings up his father.
Back to the day of the Flashback, where Ricky talks about how lucky it was that Dom’s dad died just in time to create an alibi. And yeah, he makes it sound like that wasn’t an accident. Ricky also tells Dom to make up a story about what he saw, and stick to it. But, we saw his Flash! If we can’t trust things they actually show us, that creates a bit of a problem.
Oh, wait – as Dom leaves the meeting, he realizes that one of the thugs killed his father, so he attacks him and chokes him to death. We weren’t seeing his Flash, we were seeing a memory!
There’s a call – Dom’s mothers says it’s his sister, but Ricky says the call isn’t for him. She talks about how she wants to come home, but Dom sees the call on video on his cell – she has a gun to her head. Ricky Jay is putting the screws to him! Ricky then takes him outside where he shows him Philip’s corpse in the trunk. Sister Annabelle is next if Dom doesn’t get in line. But Dom decides to call his bluff and tackles Ricky Jay. He smothers him, and that’s it for Ricky Jay. I did not see that one coming, I have to say.
Next week: Well, since I’m late, next week has already aired. So you already know.
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