Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-17 “The Garden of Forking Paths”

Previously on FlashForward: Demetri was kidnapped by Dyson Frost on his wedding day. Stanford and Aaron started to work together to go after Jericho. Also, Olivia made out with Lloyd. I don’t want to talk about it.

We start in the present (or thereabouts – March 15, 2010) for a change. Demetri’s tied to a chair. There’s a laser sight trained on him, wires everywhere, and a blackboard filled up with a time line and crazy drawings.

At the FBI building, Mark and Olivia ask Charlie to describe the man she saw at the carnival. If you remember, Dyson Frost sat down next to her right at the very end. Stanford asks her to close her eyes and relax. She remembers that he knew her name. He claimed that he worked with her father, and then sullied the good name of Dr. Seuss. He gives her something to pass along to Mark.

It’s a note that says “If you want Demetri back: Union Station. Main Concourse. March 15th. Noon.” Olivia leaves with Charlie, who’s very proud of how much she remembered. Stanford thanks her for all her help and offers her some jellybeans. Charlie beams, because Stanford is awesome. While she and Stan are getting jellybeans, Mark and Olivia argue over whether Charlie should see a child therapist. Nothing like your parents arguing over how much you need therapy to ensure that you’ll need therapy.

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