Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-9: “Believe”

In the FBI meeting room, an analyst is presenting findings to Mark, Stanford, Demetri, and Vreede. Vreede! I missed that big lug. They blew up the Suspect Zero video as much as they could and managed to get a detail from his ring – it’s the Greek letter Alpha. Mark asks why they can’t enhance his face, and the analyst gives a technical explanation that you don’t want me to bother with. Stanford isn’t thrilled that they don’t have more information. Finally, the NSA analyst admits that one of their group has been red-flagged. It’s Demetri! He received a call from a monitored phone. Specifically, the woman who called him and told him when he would die. Demetri demands more information and gets right up in the poor woman’s face.

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