Flash Forward

FlashForward 1-9: “Believe”

Bryce visits the Japanese patient from earlier, and she is proud of how his second language is progressing. He shows the lady his drawing of Keiko, and the lady points out that, on her shirt, is the logo of a Tokyo sushi restaurant. So that’s assuming that Bryce got every detail right in his drawing. Plus, I am at this moment wearing an “Arkham Asylum” t-shirt, and yet you’d be unlikely to find me there. Anyway, Bruce thanks her for the help and walks out beaming. He runs into Olivia, who tried to get him into a clinical test for treatment. Bryce seems sold on the idea that, because he has something to live for, he’ll be OK. I’m not sure that meeting that special someone trumps cancer, Bryce. In fact, I’d say that having something to live for should impel you to take steps to make sure you keep on living. Olivia agrees with me, because she is awesome. There’s a cut, and Bryce is landing at the Tokyo airport.

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